Focus on Safety

A New Safety Certification System for the Forest Industry


Are you aware that the forest industry is working on a program that will reduce costs, create efficient operations and reduce paperwork?  With the help of the BC Forest Safety Council, industry is renewing the prequalification system that is better known as SAFE Companies certification.

What is a prequalification system anyway?  In this case, it is a process to check if a company has the necessary procedures and processes in place to be a safe, high quality and reliable organization. 

Safety in Business


A word….safety.

Did you cringe? Did your mind go to your latest order by a workplace safety officer? Did you feel your bank balance shrink? Did you think about training records? Did you think about the law and how darn confusing it is to know what you’re supposed to do? Did you think about an accident, a near miss? 

Another word…business.

Did you think of safety at all?

Worker Fatigue


As the rest of the world prepares for BBQ’s and hitting the beach, the silviculture industry is just hitting its stride.  Many companies have avoided snow or weather delays and had a good start to the season, allowing for full days of uninterrupted work and contracts finishing on time.  It’s the ideal scenario for keeping clients and planters happy – and supervisors busy.  Now is a good time to consider how to keep the momentum going and avoid some common issues with fatigue.

Rubber side down, productivity stays up!


Slips, Trips and Falls cause injury, loss of productivity and have dire financial consequences for both the individual, and the company. A look at what contractors and planters can do to avoid these accidents.

Have you been ignoring those planters who work in running shoes?  Did you shrug off that knee injury claim that lasted 50 days because it’s the ‘name of the game’? Do you high five the planter who runs off the block to fit in one more bag up?

 Slips, trips and falls are the number one cause of workplace injuries in the silviculture industry. Between 2006-2010 they represented over $82 million in claims costs for forestry companies! 

Focus on Safety


Ahhhh, springtime in New Brunswick!
Be Aware.
As the snow melts away to grass and the
Robins chirp, silviculture contractors and
employees are busy gearing up for another
busy season.

Focus on Safety


Wildfires definitely aren’t out of the ordinary for anyone with more than a little time spent in the silviculture industry, and all of us know that dealing with fire requires extraordinary care

Due Diligence and Readiness in Fire Season

Wildfires definitely aren’t out of the ordinary for anyone with more than a little time spent in the silviculture industry, and all of us know that dealing with fire requires extraordinary care. My own experience ranges from close calls with woodland wildfires to what you could call a regular firefighting commute one hot, dry Alberta summer. It seemed that almost every day on the way home from work, we had to pull over and extinguish roadside grass fires started by sparks from the adjacent rail line or tossed cigarette butts.